Sarah Kehoe

Kentwood’s floral team wins competition

Kentwood High School's FFA Floral Team took third place at a FFA National Convention last week.

Irene Aboltins

Irene Aboltins from Kent celebrates her 105th birthday

Irene Aboltins remembers her first thoughts of Kent when she arrived in 1977, a new grandmother, ready to settle in a new state after many years of moving from place to place.

Irene Aboltins
Pine Hill 5th grade teacher Jeiomie Heath poses with his mad scientist equipment for a special lab for his class.

Kent elementary teacher has a spooky way of teaching | Slide Show

Students and teachers at Pine Tree Elementary are on the lookout for a mad scientist that is roaming the halls carrying large, plastic spiders in his hands.

Pine Hill 5th grade teacher Jeiomie Heath poses with his mad scientist equipment for a special lab for his class.

Kent students fill up scholarship conference

The Kent School District had a record number of students and families attend a scholarship conference Oct. 15.

Goodwill in Kent offers ‘Boo-Tek’ for Halloween

Kent's Goodwill is spooking customers out with a push for inexpensive Halloween costumes with a customized twist. This year, Goodwill employees dedicated an area of their store specifically for Halloween.

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