The Kent Black Action Commission (KBAC) called for the resignation of City Councilman Les Thomas at Tuesday night's council meeting because of comments he made last month about the Ferguson, Missouri shooting death of Michael Brown by a police officer.
Kent Police responded just before noon Thursday to a reported stabbing during a dispute between two employees at Ecco Heating Products, 20001 87th Ave S., in the industrial area of north Kent.
The Kent City Council dumped its proposal Tuesday night to form a local improvement district (LID) to help pay for railroad-vehicle grade separation projects.
Kent firefighters extinguished a fire Wednesday night at an abandoned house in the 400 block of Alder Lane.
Kent Police confiscated 51 pounds of marijuana worth an estimated street value of $1.5 million on early Tuesday at a vacant West Hill home.
A Kent City Council committee began looking into whether a fireworks ban on the Fourth of July might lower the boom on illegal devices going off.
People will soon be moving in to The Platform Apartments in downtown Kent.
The Kent Police Department has the largest percentage-point differences of white officers to white residents in the state with a 39 percent difference, according to a recent New York Times story.
Kent Police detectives are still investigating the Aug. 20 Shell gas station shooting that resulted in the death of two employees.
Kent business owners impacted by a potential local improvement district (LID) by the city of Kent to pay for railroad-vehicle grade separation projects can attend a meeting with Kent City Council members on Monday, Sept. 15 at the ShoWare Center.
Fire destroyed an abandoned house early Thursday morning on Kent's East Hill.
The Kent Black Action Commission (KBAC) plans a No Ferguson in Kent rally and march on Tuesday evening, Sept. 16 from the Maleng Regional Justice Center to City Hall.
Kent Police and city officials have no immediate plans to expand the school traffic camera program to catch speeders beyond the two-school pilot project.
A Kent City Council committee agreed with the city's Land Use and Planning Board to ban recreational marijuana businesses.
The Kent Police Department, in partnership with the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), is once again participating in a nationwide prescription and over-the-counter drug take back day.
Learn about the benefits of setting up a Neighborhood Block Watch program at a Block Watch 101 class from 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 18, at the Kent City Hall Council Chambers, 220 Fourth Ave. S.
Tony Deniston expected a much larger man when Leland Dean Russell Jr. entered a Kent courtroom on Monday to enter a not guilty plea to two counts of first-degree murder in connection with the Aug. 20 shooting deaths of two Shell service station employees.
The Kent Police Department will host an open house at the West Hill Woodmont Police substation, 26226 Pacific Hwy S., on Tuesday, Sept. 9 from 6-7 p.m.
A 24-year-old Kent man and alleged gang member faces charges of first-and second-degree assault for reportedly shooting and injuring two men Aug. 5 at a park during an annual South Seattle memorial for a teen shot to death in 2008.
The 13-year-old girl killed Saturday in Kent after being hit by a pickup truck while crossing Pacific Highway South had just moved to the Kent area with her family a few weeks ago from Afghanistan.