The Kent Downtown Partnership has been busy creating new energy for historical downtown Kent with a new logo and website. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing you have always done and expecting a different result, so KDP is changing things up a bit to get new results.
KDP website
The Kent Downtown Partnership recently launched our new website designed to promote and support restaurants, retail businesses, events, and recreational activities in downtown Kent.
The new website, designed by Applied Imagination Media, a KDP member, is the downtown’s go-to website for the public to learn about anything and everything taking place in downtown Kent.
The home page is colorful and exciting and includes links to local news stories, event and businesses.
The calendar page provides an updated monthly calendar. Visit the calendar page to sign up for an automatic notification of sales and events. The news section features blog posts that highlight events happening downtown, along with stories about local businesses and owners. The about
page provides information about KDP and its dedication to serving and promoting the downtown Kent business community. This page will also provide details about membership, etc. We invite you to create a link from your website to Encourage your customers to check out the site.
For feedback please visit the website and share your thoughts via contact page of the site.
New logo
To coincide with the launch of our new website, , KDP recently unveiled a new logo. The logo was designed by BDP Design, a KDP member. The logo includes bright and colorful symbols that represent the wonderful attributes of downtown Kent.
The font is simple and easy to read, sizing is appropriate for all social media and looks good in color or black and white. People will remember the KDP message and the colors are bright and energetic. The
colors are similar to both the National Trust for Historic Preservation Main Street logo uses as well as the city of Kent logo, since KDP works in tandem with these organizations.
The tree represents a natural welcoming environment; transit bus/train is in the heart of downtown and close to current and future residences and businesses. It could also be considered our Sounder train.
Our designer included a commercial building (our downtown businesses), a residential building (living
downtown which is a BIG part of “future”), a tree (green/welcoming/nature) and a transit train (easy access to transportation within downtown) to better describe downtown Kent’s assets.
KDP is the base for collaborative efforts of residents, businesses, visitors to downtown Kent. This will always remain relevant as this is a part of our mission.
Beneath these symbols, we find the Kent Downtown Partnership, the base for the collaborative efforts of downtown businesses, agencies, and citizen-based community organizations—all dedicated to increasing investment in downtown Kent, business recruitment and retention, residential and retail development, improved parks and green spaces and a better quality of life.
Talk to us
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To share your opinion for publication, submit a letter through our website Include your name, address and daytime phone number. (We’ll only publish your name and hometown.) Please keep letters to 300 words or less.