The election for commissioner Public Hospital District No. 1 (Valley Medical Center) is underway.
This is a state that is 42nd in the nation in high school completion (65.6 percent) and the Kent School District completion rate (58.2 percent) is less than that of the state of Washington according to “Education Week.”
The governor has announced plans for sweeping budget cuts in K-12 education. These will create some major challenges for our local school districts who are the recipients of state levy equalization funds.
I urge voters to vote Bill Boyce for Kent City Council Position No. 5. He is a committed, accessible and positive member of the community.
I am writing in support of Michael Sealfon for Kent City Council Position No. 7. I have known Michael and his wife, Carolyn, for a number of years and count them among my closest friends so my view is certainly biased.
As I seal up my King County voter's ballot, I am reminded of the importance to vote. I am supporting and voting for Dana Ralph for Kent City Council position No. 7.
Mary Alice Heuschel is running for hospital commissioner of Valley Medical Center, she is the best candidate for this position and the only candidate who is prepared to manage our tax dollars and make decisions affecting our health.
I have known Leslie Hamada through my church for about eight years. Leslie has been deeply concerned about the children in our community for a very long time. She has shared with me many times, her concern for youth who do not graduate from high school. Of course the drop out rate is higher for minorities. Unlike most of us who are concerned, Leslie has personally done something to address this.
It has been my pleasure to work with Mary Alice Heuschel over the past two and a half years in our shared leadership roles as superintendents of our respective school districts.
I am writing in response to the full page attack ad that Kent City Council candidate Bailey Stober inserted into last Friday’s (Oct. 14) Kent Reporter. Now of course I have no problem with the fact that the Reporter printed it. I applaud the valuable service that the Reporter provides our community and wish it all the best. But I do have a few thoughts on the ad itself that I would like to share.
Why do we need to get the state out of the liquor business? Why does Costco need to get into the business (other than profit)?
When you mark your ballots and mail them in before Nov. 8th, please select Mary Alice Heuschel as hospital commissioner of Public Hospital District No. 1 (Valley Medical Center). Although this is a low-profile election, selecting the right hospital commissioner is crucial to healthcare in south King County. Mary Alice’s experience, endorsements and lack of conflicts of interest make her the best candidate.
As a resident of Kent, I want to personally endorse Bill Boyce for the Kent City Council.
However you slice it, the regional fire authority vote, passed by 72 percent of voters in April 2010, did result in a net gain in the city's general fund.
I read the response that four of the Kent City Council members, (published in the Oct. 14 print edition) submitted to the Kent Reporter editor addressing my letter submitted to them Oct. 4th.
The reason I am sending you this information is to refresh your memories on the discussions that have taken place in the council chambers and in other meetings regarding the excess property tax collections of .38 cents per $1,000 property tax valuation (or $4.94).
I am writing in support of Mary Alice Heuschel as the best choice to fill the vacancy on the Public Hospital District No. 1-Valley Medical Center Board of Commissioners.
When I was looking for school board support for a new Kent School District Middle School Science & Engineering Fair, Debbie Straus found time to meet with me, saw the opportunity and made things happen.
I would like to take this opportunity to communicate my support for Bill Boyce and his run for Position 5 on the Kent City Council.
I have personally known Bill for 18 years and have always admired his efforts and energy in making the city of Kent a great place for everyone that resides there.
As a long-time member of the hospital district and patient of Paul Joos, M.D., I am convinced he is the best candidate for commissioner on the Valley Medical Center board.