One of my favorite movie scenes is near the end of “Apollo 13.” An official grumbles that this could be the worst disaster in NASA… Continue reading
As a member of the Valley Medical Center Medical Staff and Southlake Clinic, also known as Valley Internal Medicine, since 1982, I have generally not… Continue reading
The latest in the “blame game” is the question who is responsible for allowing deterioration of the Howard Hanson Dam, to the point where the… Continue reading
To every person who has written so passionately about the strike, I challenge you to continue to focus your energy on our schools. I am… Continue reading
I’m appalled to learn that homes/businesses of our Kent School Board members and superintendent were the targets of recent picketing teachers. The KEA gave out addresses/home phone… Continue reading
I am writing in response to Claudia Kauffman's letter in the Sept. 9 Reporter. She tried to shirk off any responsibility for the crisis in… Continue reading
The parents in Kent have demanded a plan to deal with reducing class size since April.The Kent School District has not responded, and has, in… Continue reading
We need to begin school in Kent.We need to put caps on class size, as many of our neighboring districts have. We need to restore… Continue reading
This matter is urgent. Students need to be in school and teachers want to be teaching.Stack 'em deep and teach 'em cheap is unacceptable. In… Continue reading
One of the great things about living in these United States is that we have choices.We are all told when we are younger that we… Continue reading
The current strike by the Kent Education Association strike against the Kent school district shows how shortsighted and narrow-minded the teachers have become. They are… Continue reading
I am a Kent School District teacher, and I want to go back to work, but only under conditions where I can support the Kent… Continue reading
The WASL, ESL, Ritalin, overcrowding, underpaid, 15 daily work hours, lesson plans, broken homes, dysfunctional families, state standards, ever-changing regulations, weapons, cell phones, lack of… Continue reading
Doesn’t the following salary scale seem a little out of balance?Washington State Governor: $167,000.Vice President of the United States: $227,000.Kent School District Superintendent Dr. Edward… Continue reading
These are just a few comments from retired homeowners on the current Kent teachers’ strike. In reading both sides' statements, it seems the teachers union… Continue reading
First of all, I would like to acknowledge the difficult situation that everyone on both sides of the strike have to face and deal with.… Continue reading
Please know that the district’s bargaining team has negotiated in good faith since the bargaining process began in April. We did not want to see… Continue reading
Amen for writer Walter Backstrom.Hopefully my thoughts might help parents to think and enable children and teens to cooperate. Children and teens should not carry… Continue reading
I have a difficult time sympathizing with the Kent teachers and their plea for higher pay and less workload.This is especially true at this time… Continue reading