
Principals urge you to vote yes for Kent School District levy | Letters

Letter to the editor.

Principals urge you to vote yes for Kent School District levy

Kent School District students need you to vote yes on the Nov. 5 levy. This Levy funding measure is not just about maintaining buildings and technology infrastructure—it is about investing in our students now so they are able to give back to our community in the future.

A yes vote provides for student safety. We know that safety is a paramount concern to our stakeholders. This levy will support intercom systems which are used to initiate lockdowns. Emergency communications like radios and telephone systems are supported. Re-designed secure entries that add a layer of protection between students and strangers entering the building is another important safety aspect of this levy. Without money to fund these needs, student safety is compromised.

A yes vote ensures essential building maintenance needs. Our levy also includes funding for school maintenance such as boiler replacements, generator back-ups, and all-important HVAC systems that keep our students warm in the winter and cool in the fall and spring. Our school buildings are more than just physical structures, they are the environments in which our students learn and grow. Providing safe, comfortable, and conducive learning spaces for our students and staff should be a given expectation of our community. It is one of the basic ways in which we demonstrate care and belonging for our students.

A yes vote provides essential technology to students and staff. One of the primary reasons for this levy is to support technology maintenance and upgrades. Our students need reliable technology and digital devices to support their learning. To prepare them for life, technology enables students to access information, collaborate with peers, and develop essential skills for our 21st century workforce and jobs right here in Kent. By investing in the maintenance and upgrade of technology infrastructure, we can ensure that our students have access to reliable devices and software that are core to their learning experience.

A yes vote protects jobs in our community. The end of certain federal funding dollars this year and a decrease in overall student enrollment has impacted most districts in Washington — and Kent is no exception. Budget constraints have forced central office staffing reductions, leading to layoffs and increased workloads for remaining staff members. By voting yes for the levy, we can reduce further job losses and ensure that our schools are adequately staffed to meet the needs of our students.

Exercising your constitutional right to vote yes will ensure that our buildings are maintained and school/safety operations continue smoothly. In the November 2023 election, only 24% of our registered voters engaged in the election process. Our Kent principals know that we can increase that percentage of voters! Through updated technology, well-maintained facilities, and a dedicated team of educators, every aspect of the levy contributes to an environment where students can learn and grow. We want to be very clear that a no vote will directly impact school buildings and our students and families. Kent school principals urge you to support the levy and vote yes on Nov. 5.

Michael Jackson, KPA President

Heidi Maurer, KPA President Elect

Rosa Villarreal, Elementary School Representative

Stephanie Knipp, KPA Middle School Representative

Dinah Ladd, Assistant Principal Representative

Kent Principals Association (KPA) Board of Directors

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Principals urge you to vote yes for Kent School District levy | Letters

Letter to the editor.

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