The Rotary Club of Kent (noon club) recognized Kentridge High School’s Sean Gilman and Bianna Cho as Students of the Month.
Gilman has been involved in student government for four years, worked with the food bank, helped people through his church, participated in jazz choir, the swim team, musicals and is close to his Eagle Scout badge. He hopes to attend Brigham Young University, do a church mission and then enter a medical field.
Cho has also been involved with ASB, as well as Key Club and Multicultural Club, worked with a homeless shelter, participated in judo, helped food banks and done aerobics with senior citizens. She hopes to attend the University of Washington and study medical anthropology.
Presenting the awards at the Oct. 25 ceremony were Club president Amy Hobson, far right, and club member Sean Runnels, next to Hobson.
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