Kent Police arrested a woman for investigation of several charges after she reportedly tried to break into a home in the 700 block of Woodford Avenue North.
Three officers were dispatched at about 2:22 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29 regarding a residential burglary in progress, according to a Jan. 29 Kent Police statement.
The owner of the home called 911 after observing a woman on the owner’s live security camera testing the doors and walking around the property, according to police. The owner described the woman as wearing a puffer jacket, red gloves and carrying a backpack.
Nighttime burglaries of homes that might be occupied are a high priority call, according to police. That type of burglary also is unusual because burglars tend to avoid the conflict of an occupied home.
The officers arrived within minutes and began to test all the doors and search the front and back yards. They found a 38-year-old Kent woman curled up and hiding near the south wall of the residence, according to police.
The woman reportedly lied about why she was in the area, her name and said she never approached the house. Evan after officers explained to her that she was seen on video trying to enter the home by inputting wrong codes into the lock and working the door handles, she reportedly continued to lie.
Officers reportedly recognized the woman from previous incidents, so knew she was giving a false name. Once officers confirmed her real name, they discovered she had several warrants out of Auburn and Kent for identity theft, false statements, possession of stolen property and trespass.
Police took the woman into custody and booked her into the city jail for her warrants and investigation of providing false statements and second-degree criminal trespass.
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