While out trick-or-treating, keep on the lookout for firefighters from the Kent Regional Fire Authority in your neighborhood.
Those firefighters will be handing out small red flashers that the kids can attach to their costumes to make them more visible, according to a Kent RFA media release. By wearing the flashers the kids and parents can make Halloween a safe night of fun.
What else can adults do to help keep their little goblins and witches safe? The Kent RFA offers these tips:
• Young children should always have adult supervision
• Pick costumes that have bright colors
• Avoid masks or other headgear that limits peripheral vision – use face makeup instead of a mask
• Add reflective material to costumes
• Carry and use a flashlight
• Cross streets carefully and use sidewalks where available
• Wear your fire department issued red flasher
• Trick-or-treat in neighborhoods you are familiar with
• Never eat candy not in its original wrapper
• Plan your path so that others will know where you are
• Never enter a house unless you know the residents well
House safety during Halloween:
• Keep your porch well lit
• Remove tripping hazards such as garden hoses, bikes, and toys
• Keep excitable pets away from children
It is expected to be raining on Halloween night, so dress appropriately and be aware that drivers will have more difficulty than usual seeing children.
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