Buyers and sellers who connect online on Craigslist and other markets can use the Kent Police lobby and City Hall parking lot, 220 Fourth Ave. S., as an e-commerce exchange zone.
The goal of the exchange zone designation is to help prevent crimes that could occur and help keep residents of Kent safer if they choose to engage in online transactions with strangers.
In terms of transaction procedures, neither police nor city personnel may participate or act as official witnesses to the transactions, according to the Kent Police. They are also not available for legal advice or to settle disputes unless 911 is called.
The exchange zone is established only to provide a safer environment for the exchange, and neither Kent Police nor the city can guarantee your safety.
Kent Police offer the following safety tips for completing online transactions:
• Conduct transactions with local buyers/sellers
• Do not go to a transaction alone
• Make sure someone is aware of the transaction details
• Insist on meeting in a public place or “Exchange Zone”
• Do not go into someone else’s house, and do not allow them into yours
• Complete the transaction during daylight hours
• Only use cash or money orders to complete your transaction
• Trust your instincts, if it sounds like a scam it probably is
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