Firearm regulations
Following gun control success on the November ballot, state Democrats are eyeing further regulation.
A report released by UW last month highlights further dangers higher CO2 levels pose to coho salmon.
Dec. 30-Jan. 5
Type, number of incidents
Officer fatally shoots man who fired at police
All Kent School District schools are closed Monday because of continued power outages throughout the district and the remaining debris that needs to be cleared… Continue reading
Mr. Yuk and the Washington Poison Center have launched their 13th annual Poison Prevention Poster Contest. Sponsored by Swedish – with the theme: “Mr. Yuk… Continue reading
Parts of Dec. 15 case near East Hill sports bar remain undetermined
Other topics include Mill Creek flooding, road projects, street racing
Pedestrian killed in Dec. 18 incident
Kent resident Holly Bork has been applying the tools of science, education and conservation to become a leader in the conservation community. Bork recently concluded… Continue reading
Health care
A ruling last week from a Texas judge striking down the ACA will likely be overturned.
2020 Election
New statements and political fundraising from Gov. Inslee point toward a 2020 presidential bid
December rates up 4.6 percent from same month in 2017
Initial step toward new quiet zone downtown
Crime, jobs, burgers top list
Dec. 23-29
Type, number of incidents
20 to 35 mph with gusts of 45 to 55 mph
Six of top 10 names on both lists
Gun-rounds limit also part of list