Kent School District officials locked down Kent-Meridian High School for about a half-hour at 10:15 a.m. Tuesday after a report of a man carrying a gun near French Field, the stadium next to the school.
The Washington State Patrol is reminding everyone that the 11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 9 national test of the Emergency Alert System is just that, a test.
Pine Tree Elementary students received hands-on environmental education at YMCA's Camp Seymour.
The trial date has been continued until Nov. 14 for Shacon Fontane Barbee, the Seattle man arrested in Kent and charged with promoting prostitution, leading organized crime, promoting sexual abuse of a minor and other charges.
Kent residents can place extra garbage and yard waste to be picked up curbside on their regular scheduled collection day during the week of Nov. 14-18.
Community members are invited to learn more about their police this month.
The fall musical at Kentridge High School is meant to do more than just entertain the audience.
Our first Kentlake Site Council meeting of the school year on Oct. 26 kind of felt like the first day back at school after summer vacation.
Tuesday is the deadline to have a ballot postmarked or returned to an official ballot drop-off site.
Time to fall back and change your clock and smoke alarm battery | Kent Regional Fire Authority
The Kent Education Association is holding a 47th District Legislative Town Hall this month to try to stop more budget cuts from the state.
Another shoe dropped Tuesday at the Kent City Council meeting following a violation of the state’s open public meetings act because of a letter signed by four council members.
This is a state that is 42nd in the nation in high school completion (65.6 percent) and the Kent School District completion rate (58.2 percent) is less than that of the state of Washington according to “Education Week.”
Kent City Council candidate Bailey Stober claims he is paying back the state for overpayment of unemployment insurance benefits in 2010.
King County Sheriff's Office deputies arrested a 25-year-old SeaTac man Friday wanted in connection with a recent string of home break-ins in Kent and Southeast King County.
King County plans to close and demolish the Alvord T Bridge in mid-2013 in Kent because it is deemed unsafe for drivers.
A food drive to stock the shelves of local food banks before the holidays is being conducted through Nov. 30 at Kent's TOP Food & Drug, 26015 104th Ave. S.
Capt. Kyle Ohashi, spokesman for the Kent Fire Department reported Alaska Air employees were evacuated from the call center in 20800 block of 72 Avenue South.
Twins Jade and Amber Hollister, 6, giggled as they put on two fuzzy winter hats at the same time.
Around eight members of the organization Working Washington dressed up in costumes Halloween day to protest against the state of a bridge crossing over Green River.