Growth, knowledge, learning at your library | KCLS

Spring is the time of year when many of us focus on growth and renewal, reinvigorated to cultivate our interests or explore new ones.

Last spring, the King County Library System adopted a new strategic focus that renews KCLS’ commitment to its patrons. Our refreshed mission – to inspire the people of King County to succeed through ideas, interaction and information — is guided by our vision of a world where knowledge allows diverse communities to prosper and grow.

So what does knowledge mean to you?

Is it delving into news and current events to inform your decisions as a member of your community? Is it learning how to write a paper or prepare for a school exam? Is it finding tools to start a new business, or knowing where to access resources for parents or caregivers? Is it a desire to keep your mind active and engaged in retirement?

Whatever the goal, KCLS can help. Our collection of books, magazines, newspapers, databases, movies and music is available in different languages and formats. We offer programs for adult and older adults (50-plus), infants, preschoolers, children and teens, and many are tailored for non-native speakers. Through our partnerships with local businesses and nonprofits, KCLS also offers a wide range of information resources, such as tax assistance, business and finance classes, legal counseling, and museum passes to name a few.

Looking to the future, a visit to the Bellevue Library ideaX Makerspace is a must. With everything from programmable sewing machines to robotics, 3-D printing and virtual reality, this new educational space is making STEM-focused activities accessible to patrons of all ages.

There is always something new to discover at your library. So whatever your interest – art, education, science, history, genealogy, music, health, computers – browse our website or visit any one of our 48 library locations to find the book, book club, college-prep course, lecture series, ESL class, story time, workshop or event that suits you.

And if the sheer volume of information feels overwhelming, ask a librarian to point you in the right direction. That’s why we’re here.

Lisa Rosenblum is director of the King County Library System.

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